Free zone industry in the Dominican Republic?

Free Industrial Trade Zones are a crucial component in the economy of the Dominican Republic.
Through more than 40 years, this industry has demonstrated to be a source of competitiveness for the global companies.


Free Industrial Trade Zones in the Dominican Republic were created under Law 4315 of October 22, 1955 and are regulated by Dominican Republic Law 8-90 of January 15, 1990.

Direct and Indirect Jobs

The sector is responsible for more than 168,200 direct jobs and more than 210,000 indirect ones. There are more than 692 companies in the 75 free zones located in 27 provinces of the Dominican Republic, therefore positively impacting many communities.

Foreign Direct Investment

Exports from Free Trade Zones account for approximately 57% of the country’s total exports. This Council reports that at the end of 2020, a difficult year, there was an increment of 4.7% in exports, in areas of pharmaceutical products (93.7%), tobacco manufacturing (36.5%) and electrical products (5.5%) The tenants in the Free Industrial Trade Zones had US$ 5.2 billion in Accumulated Investment– mainly from the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, Switzerland, Canada, Brazil, South Korea and China.